Reservation Guarantee

Though it's rare, occasionally a sitter or dog walker has to cancel at the last minute. If that happens to you, we've got your back: Every booking made through PetBacker is covered by our reservation guarantee. Here is what it means:


We'll Help You Find a New Backer

We'll get in touch with you ASAP, but you can also reach out to us directly via the app. —we're here for assistance—or contact us here.


Though availability varies widely, we’ll do everything we can to help you find a great replacement. If you book with a more expensive sitter or dog walker, we'll cover the cost difference between the original booking and your new booking, up to 6% of the total cost of original booking which shall be limited to $20.


We'll Give You a Refund

If we are unable to find you a replacement, we'll give you a full refund. Kindly be reminded, refunds after 6 months from the date of transaction will be converted into vouchers which you may use for future bookings.


We're Here for You

We promise we'll do everything we can to make sure you and your dog love your experience, and the reservation guarantee is a huge part of that.
